Articles on: DayZ Standalone

How to change loot duration on your server

Warning: Please ensure to take a backup of any files you modify to ensure no data is lost if files break.
Using the File Manager or an FTP program of your choice, navigate to the following directory on your server...
Chernarus: mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\db\
Livonia: mpmissions\dayzOffline.enoch\db
Download the "types.xml" file to your PC and then open it with a text editor of your choice, we suggest Notepad++ or for advance users Visual Studio Code.
Where it says "Lifetime" under the item, change it to any number you want (number is in seconds - 604800 (seven days), 3888000 (45 days)).
Save the file.
Re-upload to the same location on your server, replacing the old types.xml

If you have any questions or you need our help don't hesitate to contact our support system.
You can buy DayZ Standalone Server Hosting Here

Updated on: 18/09/2021

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