How to cancel your service with GTXGaming
How to cancel your service with GTXGaming Login to your billing account at In the menu click on Services and then on My Services. Click on the service you want to cancel to open the details. Click on the Request Cancellation button on the left-hand side. ++You also need to cancel your PayPal subscription if you have one. We hope to see you again soon, and if we did anything wrong, please let us know so we can improve our service by emailPopularHow to set a domain or hostname to connect to a game server
How to point my domain to my game server/Teamspeak server? Briefly: You need to set an A record to your Teamspeaks IP, you need to access your DNS records for your domain. How to point my domain to my game server? Briefly: You need to set an A record to your game servers IP, you need to access your DNS records for your domain. So you want to use a domain purchased with GTX or someone else to load your game server or Teamspeak server. To do so you need to create A records using the DNS manageSome readersHow to connect to my game servers FTP
This guide will help you on how to connect to your server FTP. Download Filezilla FTP or any other FTP program of your choice and install it on your computer. Go to your GAME PANEL and find your server FTP IP and PORT like the example below. Go to your CLIENT AREA and find your Username and Password like the example below. ( readersHow to steam update your game server
This guide will help you on how to Steam update your server and below how to force a steam update. Stop your server Press the Steam Update button on your control panel Will open a black window with the update process, wait until it finishes Start your server You can force steam update validation check by clearing the steam cache, just delete the steamapps folder from theSome readersHow to setup automatic server restarts
This guide will help you on how to setup automatic server restarts. Go to Schedule Tasks tab in your Control Panel Click the New button top left to create a new Schedule Task and select the Scheduled Restart option Give it a name of your choice, 6 Hour Restart for example Select the date/hour you want to next restart will happen(*) Select Recur Every 1 Days Select Repeat task option Select Repeat EvFew readersHow to add a game server to your Steam favorites
Navigate to steam Click view at the top Click Servers Click Favorites tab Click add server Paste in your query IP/PORT Click Add Click Refresh at the bottom a couple of times to make sure its querying the server and refresh the data Click the server Click Connect Done ( readersHow to get donations withour public/clan pay service
How to get donations using Clan Pay System This guide will help you on how to get donations using the public/clan pay System. Login to your client area here On the left-hand side, menu click the public/clan pay button Copy the unique URL and give it to your donators or post it on your website/forum, they can now donate to your account with PayPal You can also view your current credit balance at the bFew readersHow to see if your game server is online
This guide will show you how to check if your server is online. Start your server on the control panel Wait 20 seconds and press the Activity and Stats button You should use 'Activity and Stats' to see if the server is online and to view some live and past statistics from your server, you can view statistics graphics from current or last days. (*) Some games don't have Activity and Stats button support. ( readersHow to create sub-users for your gameservers
Please note that users with ticket support must also be a contact on your gtxgaming billing account in order to open tickets. Without being linked to your contact we wont be able to assist sub-admins via ticket. If you have any questions or you need our help don't hesitate to contact our support system (hFew readersHow to upgrade or downgrade your servers player slots
This guide will help you on how to upgrade or downgrade your server player slots. Stop your server Login to your client area Go to My Services My Services menu on top menu bar Open the service you want to upgrade or downgrade from the list (please note downgrades are not refundable) Click on the right Upgrade/Downgrade options menu Change the options you want and press 'Click to Continue' butFew readersBank Details For Payments
Please include the Invoice ID (on the left of the invoice on our website) as a reference. Choose the correct currency for faster processing. Fast transfers are enabled so we should get your funds very quickly. Currency: GBP/British Pound Payee Name: GTX Networks Limited Sort Code: 23-14-70 Account Number: 11206927 Currency: EUR/Euro Account holder: GTX Networks Limited BIC: TRWIBEB1XXX IBAN:Few readersHow to reinstall your server back to default
Firstly you are going to need to stop the server using the Stop button. Once you've stopped the server you then need to press ···More button. It will load a new page and then click the Reinstall link. Once it starts the reinstall process don't close the window and wait for it to finish. Once it's reinstall you can then start the server again. ( readersHow to change to google and cloudflares DNS servers
Here we will show you how to change your DNS servers in case of problems with connection or propergation delays. ++DNS settings are specified in the TCP/IP Properties window for the selected network connection.++ Example: Changing DNS server settings on Windows 10 Go to the Control Panel. Click Network and Internet Network and Sharing Center Change adapter settings. Select the connection for which you want to configure Google and Cloudflare Public DNS. Change the DNS servers tFew readersHow to view and cancel paypal subscriptions
Login to Once logged in click this to go straight to your "outgoing subscriptions Change the dropdown to "Active" and click Go Cancel the subscription to us and its also a good chance to review any other subscriptions you have. ( readers